A brains book is a book with clear or lind pages for you to download all your thoughts, ideas and goals into so you don’t have to juggle them in your head with everything else being added to the pile. It means that you will be able to focus clearly on specific tasks and be assured that because everything is written down, you can come back to it without the stress of forgetting bits and pieces of any topic.I usually spend a portion of my week (or day depending on my needs at any time) to download everything I am thinking into this book, the book doesn’t need to be structured, although if something needs to be highlighted for constant attention, a post it note that is flagging the page is often good.Some of the things I write into my brains book are:• Budgets• Ideas on any topic (I circle these)• Goals (and plan them out)• Keep records of scores, dates, hours worked etc• Weekly schedules• Receipts (usually paper clipped to the back page)• The odd diary entry to get things off my chest• Birthday gift ideas• Wise things I want to remember• Wish lists• Need lists• Shopping lists• Car rego and warrant dates• Names, numbers, address, directions etc• Most importantly TO DO LISTS Pretty much everything that I would ever need to remember! Best kind of book to have I think is one that’s big enough to comfortably write in, and fit in your hand bag. I choose something with a cover that tells a story about who I am.Some of the things I have recently added to a brains book are:• An attack plan for completing all the work set in class by their due dates (this is pages long but it is all in the same place which is important)• A list of things to do during down time that I can include my partner in There is no limit to what you put in this book, the rule I follow is ‘if it can be written I will write it’ that way its out of my head and on to a page, like a filing system but more fun.The benefit of this type of book compared to a diary is that it has no structure, no set dates, no set amount of lines per day, its simply going to be however you need it to be…Deciding to start this sort of book has helped me to do several things, first and best of all was learn to budget and save! Now handling money isn’t a problem coz I can write out a budget, take it with me anywhere, and not have to rummage through the house or handbag to find my budget. Plus week to week, it helps me track what I’m spending money on. The biggest helper points I can give you are• Get some little possibly arrowed post it notes• Paper clips• Give this book faith, and dedicate time to it, it will detune you from stress, before bed is when I do most of my booking• Date EVERYTHING you put in this book I will have to have to show you mine sometime for sure, if I plan on being at the polytech on a Thursday, which I should be so I’m getting work done, I will let you know so we can met up during your lunch break for you to have a squizz.Best place for variety is Whitcolles, if your feeling rich get a nice pen too
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